How To Hire A Private Investigator – Part One

For most people looking to hire a private investigator, the process can be daunting. To demystify hiring an investigator, what you can expect from a licensed, professional firm, and how to ask the investigator questions in order to ensure they can meet your needs, we have prepared on-going series of posts that will deal with topics relating to what to expect from an investigator, what to look for in an investigator, and how to ensure you are getting an investigator that suits your needs as a client.

Connecting with a Private Investigator

In Alberta, in order to sell services as a private investigator one has to be licensed as an individual, as well as an agency. We previously detailed in a post why ensuring you hire a licensed individual is important to you as a consumer. You can view that post here.

This should be your first step. If you are unsure, email or phone the investigator and ask them specifically if they hold a valid SSIA business license – a licensed investigator will have no problem giving you this information.

You can also look this up yourself on the Solicitor General of Alberta website to make sure.

The initial intake interview will take a few minutes, so be sure you have time to talk. An intake interview can take anywhere from twenty minutes to an hour, depending on the complexity of the case.

If you are making contact via email, be sure to include your name and phone number, and a time that is best to have the investigator call you.

Knowing Your Goals As A Client

The number one important thing a potential client should have before even contacting the investigator, is a clear goal of the investigation. What is the desired outcome? If you are unsure — don’t worry. We will guide you through the process.

Are you looking to contact somebody you’ve lost contact with? Make sure you have all information you have available before you call. Outline specifically what the contact is for, and how we can help you establish it.

Are you preparing for litigation? Whether you are the defendant or the plaintiff, be sure you have a clear idea of what you need the us to locate. Is it a witness? A piece of evidence? Do you need statements from any parties? If you have retained a lawyer, we will work with them to build an investigative strategy.

Are you requesting a domestic investigation? Are you considering divorce, a change to custody arrangements or alimony payments, or do you simply need the truth so you can move forward? If you have specific suspicions, relay them to us. This way we will know how to best begin the case.

These are just a few examples of what to bring when you contact us, and each case will be unique. We will ask you questions in order to best serve you, but it’s important that if you have questions as well, you prepare them beforehand. Write a list, and have them ready. Hiring an investigator can be an emotional experience, so being prepared during the initial consultation will help us help you define the goals of the case ahead.